Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Hello again friends.

Life has really gotten away from me this week, so let me fill you in on a few things and then update you about the (possible) future of this site.

Ministry wise, things are really cooking at both IHOPE and the Vineyard. IHOPE just hosted a state-wide House of Prayer conference in Des Moines and we are leading another HOP conference in Omaha, NE in the next couple of weeks. God is definitely giving us a pretty large stage to be able to talk about the House of Prayer and what that means for us and our country.

Additionally, I have taken on responsibilities as the Director of Prophecy and Healing Ministry. Amy and I share these responsibilities jointly, but since I work at IHOPE throughout the week, I am taking on scheduling and advertising, while Amy helps to write out our formats and assign teams.

We are also working on some curriculum for our next internship, this coming summer. The goal is to have some of our own material in place to be able to lead and teach this coming group. Along with this, I am collaborating with Q (the assistant director at IHOPE) on a discipleship curriculum and training program that we hope to launch this year.

The Vineyard is equally busy, but I do have a cool announcement. It was decided at the Leadership Retreat earlier this month that the church will take the necessary steps in order to license and ordain me into the Vineyard Church! I don't have a "for sure" date at this point, but it looks like things will be official come the end of February or the beginning of March. Needless to say, I am super excited.

I have also started a Bible Study on the Gospel of Luke that meets on Thursday nights. There will be more on that later, because this brings me to the future of this site...

I am hoping to launch a new website for Amy and I. I do not have a domain name yet, but you will know as soon as I do. I love this blog, but it is very limiting as far as being able to upload audio of my sermons or my teaching notes. More than that, Amy and I have simply outgrown the confines of a "blog only " website. We need a little more freedom to write, create and promote and that has all lead to the decision to create our own page. If you have any expertise in this matter, I would LOVE to talk to you. Thank you SO SO MUCH!

We love you all, have a great day.

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