Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Prayer Meeting Last Night

I know I am getting away from Luke, but we will be back. I have a really cool story to share with you. As you may know, Amy and I lead prayer meetings at our church on Tuesday nights from 7-8pm. There was another meeting going on at church, so we switched locations, but were able to invite some foster kids up to our prayer meeting. It was awesome. Here is Amy's recounting of the story....

"Tonight at the Vineyard there was another meeting going on while the prayer meeting was happening. This other meeting happened to draw some youth to the building. Ben invited some of the older kids upstairs who were eavesdropping on Amy warm up her guitar and voice in the Upper Room. There were 5 youth who came upstairs. We told them what we usually do for prayer meetings and then we sang a worship song. After the song, Amy felt led to talk to them about who Jesus is and a few realities about the Kingdom of God. They all listened intently and then Ben spoke for a few minutes. We asked if anyone wanted prayer and one girl did. We prayed with her and asked her if she had a relationship with Jesus. She said no, not really. Amy asked her what she thought about everything Amy had said earlier - she said "I think that it is really cool." Amy encouraged the gal that all she needed to do to start a relationship with Jesus was have a "yes" in her heart towards Him. The gal said "yes" to Jesus and then we prayed for the Holy Spirit to fill her with love, peace, and a sense of God's heart towards her. Her other friends prayed while we did. One of the other girls asked how we can love God if we can't see him or touch him so we talked about that for a little while and that ended the prayer meeting. It was a good night! Thank you, Jesus! "

It is kind of hard to explain, but there was abundant grace to testify about Jesus to these youth last night. I get in my own head about evangelism and what it is supposed to look like, but this was very natural, very real. I think that God wanted to show these foster kids that He is their Father and that He loves them very much and that they can cling to that Truth even though their life circumstances may not seem like it. And then to have a girl give her life to Jesus - well, that is simply extraordinary. I was so privileged to be a part of that.

I think this is only the beginning. Things seem to be stirring up in Waverly and I am super excited to see what God has in store.

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