Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Snow and Sore Fingers

There is a lot of snow around Waverly. A lot. Looking around, it doesn't seem that way, but I don't measure snow in inches. I measure snow in the number of times I need to shovel. Thus far, there have been four shovel outings and another needs to happen.

Please don't misunderstand. I am not complaining. I absolutely LOVE suiting up in my Carhart coveralls and getting some fresh air and exercise. I go stir crazy in the winter and generally end up picking on my wife, so I am thankful for this snow.

The snow I am NOT thankful for is the snow that is keeping my sister imprisoned in London. I want to hang out with her this Christmas so I am working my connections. :) But, wether we celebrate on the 25th or not, we will still have Christmas as a familiy at some point.

Now, for the sore fingers part. I played my first two-hour worship set last night and my fingers HURT. (BTW, I am sorry for all of the caps, but I am using a laptop at work and my usual italics and bolding functions don't seem to work well. My apologies for yelling at you.)

It was a ton of fun, except for when my fingers started to bleed a little. Ah well, war wounds right? It was a full band and a snowy night, it was glorious. I really enjoy playing the bass and I look forward to joining Amy's worship band on Sunday mornings as soon as I can find some people to take over the AV job that I am doing now.

Well my friends, I don't know how many posts will come in the next few days, so in case I don't get the opportunity at any other point... MERRY CHRISTMAS!! I pray that you have a very blessed and enjoyable holy day with your family and friends. I love you all!

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