"The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. And the devil said to him, 'I will give you all their authority and splendor, for it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. So, if you worship me, it will all be yours.'
Jesus replied, 'It is written: Worhsip the Lord you God and serve him only.'"
Satan's next temptation was the easy way out. Having failed to plant a seed of doubt concerning Jesus' identity, Satan's next attempt was to plant a seed of doubt concerning Jesus' mission.
"There has to be an easier way than the cross," Satan says in essance. "Worship me and you can have it all."
But Jesus saw through the Father of Lies. And Jesus was after more than the power and authority that the world had to offer, he was after our hearts. Though he might have gained power and respect, Jesus would have failed his mission - to take away our sins and open the way for love to rule instead of law. Satan simply doesn't understand. God isn't looking for people to scrape and bow and follow His every whim (He has angels for that), God wants lovers. He wants people who will love Him voluntarily, people who will challenge Him, people who will stir His heart and rouse Him to action. Think that is far fetched? What about Abraham bartering with God about sparing Sodom? What about Jacob wrestling and overcoming the angel of God? What about Moses pleading with God to not destroy Israel after their idolatry with th golden calf?
I, personally, think that this was the easiest temptation for Jesus to resist, because he was looking ahead in time to you, to me. He knew when he came to earth to put on skin what the end result would be. He knew he would create a people for himself, solely devoted to him and in love with his character and that he would reign with them throughout eterninty. With that in mind, what does Satan really have to offer?
I think we would have an easier time resisting Satan's temptations if we had an understanding of eternity similar to Jesus. What is temporal power or wealth when I know that I will reign as a king for all of eternity? What is the temporary pleasure of sin compared to the eternal and superior pleasures of the Gospel? What does Satan really have to offer? Nothing, nothing but smoke and mirrors. But we don't really believe that, not deep down - and that is why we continue to fall, time after time until Jesus renews our minds and understanding.
Lord God, would you please come and give us a revelation of Yourself and what You have in store for us? To the Glory and Praise of Your Name, Amen.
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