In my small group we camped upon the idea of sincere belief. While it is good to have sincere and unshakable belief, that belief must be grounded in the Truth. While Linus' belief is sincere, he is believing in a lie. We talked about why Jesus is the Truth. How he is real and trustworthy and how we can know that. Then I put a challenge before them. I let them know that they are living in an age that is outrightly hostile to Christianity and that many people think that believing in Jesus is the same as believing in the Great Pumpkin. My challenge was this, I would be an unbeliever and they would try to convince me that God is real.
It was rough.
I started by saying, "I think believing in Jesus is the same as believing in the Great Pumpkin. He doesn't exist and you have much better things to do with your time than coming to youth group on Wednesday night or to church on Sunday morning."
Blank stares. Finally the other leader pipes up. "Do you believe that there is a God."
"Sure. I think that there is more to life than chance."
"So if there is more than chance, we could say that God is involved in things pretty closely. What do you think happens to bad people? Do you think they go to hell?"
"I don't believe in hell. I think that God loves everyone, regardless of what they have done." (Remember, I am being antagonistic here.)
"What about people who do evil things? Think of a parent, if their child misbehaves they punish them don't they? Hell is like that, God punishes us for doing bad things."
"But parents don't punish their children forever. Isn't that what you think hell is? Eternal punishment? How could a loving God do that?"
Lots of blinking. "I think this is where I say class dismissed."
Really? I don't mean to slander my fellow group leader. He is a faithful witness and a godly man, I just want to make it clear how unequipped we as Christians are when it comes to sharing our faith. We couldn't let it go at that. We had to show these kids how to be effective witnesses.
We in Christianity have tried to make the Gospel respectable and reasonable. We have made it try to make sense and address people on an intellectual level. If someone is already and Christian and has a renewed mind, the Gospel makes total sense, but for the unbeliever, the Gospel is foolishness. We need to share the Gospel in ways that most effectively allow God's Spirit to work through us.
My speech to the kids after the failed challenge went something like this. "Jesus is real. He is a real man. He came to earth, died, was resurrected and is seated at the right hand of God right now! The way we can be sure of this is because of the Holy Spirit. Jesus sent the Spirit to guide us into all truth and remind us of what Jesus taught us. The Holy Spirit also gives us power to work signs and wonders. So if you come up against someone who challenges your beliefs, pray for them. You need to know God personally really well. You need to have belief in God like Linus had in the Great Pumpkin. You need to know God well because He is speaking to you. So when you pray for someone, you need to ask God to work on this person's heart. You also need to ask Him to tell you something about this person - we call this prophecy. Because when you tell that person what God told you, it removes all doubt that God is real. It lets them know that God is real, that He does see them and that He desperately wants them to believe in His son Jesus and be saved. But you need to know God. You need to spend time listening to Him, reading your Bible and learning about Him. Not everyone you meet is going to believe that God is real just because the Bible says He is. That is like believe in Santa Claus because someone in the mall says, 'well this is his house...' Pray for people, God will work in their hearts at a much deeper level that you can get at with your words."
Needless to say, they were a little shell-shocked. I don't think anyone in their life talks to them this way. I am not saying that to glorify myself. I am saying that because it hurts my heart that our children are not being discipled. Our kids are growing up in a hostile environment to their faith. If you post anything about Christianity or morals on your Facebook page, you have half a dozen people crawling down your throat. We need to equip our children so that they can stand steadfastly on the Rock.
Please pray that God would raise up more people to do this. That God would use parents to train their children in the faith. Thank you for reading this.
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