Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sore Throat

I came home from work early today. My throat started hurting Monday and has gotten worse throughout the week. This morning just kicked my butt. So, a trip to the chiropractor (Jen, you are amazing) was in order and then a long nap. I feel loads better.

I think it all came about from being over-worked and under-rested. Committing to three ministries is tough. I knew it would be, but there are only a couple weeks left. Enough sob story.

I am preaching again this Sunday. Bill (our preaching pastor), Amy and I sat down and charted out the Sundays until Advent. We are focusing on Worship and my objective for this Sunday is to define what worship is. I will be posting the transcript like I did for the last time I preached and possibly attaching a sheet of notes for further study. Needless to say, this has been a great week for a sore throat because, more than anything, I need to listen.

Worship is fundamental to who were are as human beings. We were created for intimacy and relationship with God which naturally leads to worship. Worship is a reality, a posturing of the heart, which I can certainly grow into. Sometimes Jesus seems so... human. Like a buddy I can hang out and have a soda with. That is really cool and all for Jesus came so that we could have some understanding of what God's character is like, but rarely do I have the proper sense of awe that I should. Jesus is KING of kings and LORD of lords. John of Patmos, Jesus' most beloved disciple, fell as though a dead man when he was confronted with Jesus' unrestrained glory - John, who knew Him best!

Lord, my prayer for this week is that You would teach us to worship You in spirit and truth. Thank you for Your Son Jesus and for Your Holy Spirit. Amen.

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